Friday, December 26, 2008

Different Kinds of Relationships

Went to the bar with my brother tonight and had a few drinks. We chatted about his girlfriend of three months and feminism.

Brother: The thing I like about her is that she's a real feminist. Equal everything. None of this "I want equal pay, and equal say, but the guy better hold the door for me and pay for dinner."

I've met the girlfriend a couple of times and quite like her. I'm hoping they'll work out long term. Her genes and my brother's would make cute kids.

Not too long before we left, one of the bar regulars I know came in. He'd never seen my brother before and introduced him. Then I asked if his girls were pregnant. Still no dice. Since my brother didn't know the story, the regular promptly filled him in.

Regular: See, they're lesbians. I've known the one for forever and she asked me for my, you know... So, I went to Paris for a few weeks and the one night they went across the street while I... you know. They went to a bar just across the street and watched the window, 'cause once I was done, I flicked the lights so they knew. Then it was turkey baster time.

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