Sunday, December 21, 2008

Dog Loathing

My dog has a persistent and vehement loathing for The Guy. A few weeks after I got her, I had a get-together for Memorial Day at my house. He came, my dog barked at him a lot. She also barked lots at another male friend who came on his own, as well as the married men who looked at her and/or tried to pet her. This is when I began to suspect that my pre-owned dog may have been abused in her past.

Yesterday, I had another get-together. In the past few months, I had begun to think my dog had gotten over her man hatred. She's best buds with my dad and brother and has no problem with guys when we're at the dog park. A while back I let in a guy trying to sell me a security system, and she didn't pay any attention to him at all.

First guests: a married couple. Dog didn't like the guy, but only got bark-y when he tried to pet her, and as the night went on, not even then. Next came some gals and my family. Last came The Guy. He walked in the door, my dog's hackles went up and they were not friends. She seemed to like him a bit when he had a plate of food in front of him, but once the food was gone, so was her good will.

So, my dog still hates The Guy's guts. I feel kind of bad for him, because he does everything right with her, but she still can't stand him. Feels symbolic somehow.

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