Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Today was the day. I got to the doctor's office, was taken to a room and told to strip down. The doctor who did the procedure was a new doctor who I'd never seen before. He was also a he. So far, all the medical professionals I've ever had look at the lady parts have been women. Nothing makes an uncomfortable vagina procedure better than having it done by a stranger. But, he was nice and professional and the whole thing was done quickly.

At the end, he said, "It'll be a few weeks before we get the lab results back. From what I can tell just by looking, I think we're looking at CIN1 or CIN2 cells."

"What does that mean?"

"CIN1 means we won't do anything yet. A lot of times the body will take of those on its own. CIN2 means you'll come back and I'll do a procedure to remove the abnormal tissue. If it was CIN4, that'd mean cancer."

Again with the waiting. But, at least it's not immediately scary.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keeping my fingers crossed and sending prayers your way that it is 1 or 2. xoxo