Thursday, September 24, 2009

Coffee For Four: Prologue

Tomorrow I'm going for coffee. I'm ambivalent about it, to say the least. There's a lot of potential for awkwardness, with possibilities of hostility and a side of unpleasantness. Ah, family drama, how I love thee. Lemme give you a quick bit of back story. My mom's side of the family had some issues after my grandpa died, regarding money he left to his kids, i.e. his sons got more (a LOT more) than his daughters, and the daughters were unhappy about this. My mom, recognizing that her father had problematic gender notions, did her best to shrug it off.

A couple years later, while I was old enough to chafe at living with my parents, but to broke to live on my own, my parents talked to my uncle (mom's brother) and I went to live with him. See, when I was little, he lived with my parents, rent-free, for a few years. So, to my parents, this was kind of a trade. After a couple months, my uncle said it wasn't working out and asked me to leave. My parents were pissed. Remember my grandpa's will? Remember how my uncle mooched off them? Yeah, pissed. Since then, we've not been close with this uncle. One of my aunts, however, has stayed close with my uncle, and drifted away from my mom.

So, that's the set-up. A few weeks ago, my aunt friended me on facebook. Then she said she's coming to town to visit my uncle and do I want to meet for coffee. Sure. Then she says, can my uncle come too? Um, okay. Then, my mom says, what about me? Fuck.

Dunno how it's going to go, but I'm kinda dreading it now. Too many people and too much damn baggage. Ugh.


mylittlebecky said...

i have no good advice. i hope it goes well but if it doesn't, just like a blind date, it's just coffee. :)

ps i hate it when people tell me to smile

Jean said...

Thanks Becky. Fortunately, the coffee date went well.