Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Boring Job

The thing about the seasonal job is this - it is boring. It is, no joke, the most boring job I have ever had. For those of you who've been in the service industry, picture a slow night. It's that night that drags on and on and on with only the merest trickle of customers. That is this job. That is every shift of this job. I thought things would be more exciting on Black Friday since I was in the store then. Nope.

Six hour shifts of standing around, being bored out of my skull, and occasionally talking with customers. On Black Friday, during a six hour shift, I talked selling points with twelve customers. Each conversation lasted five minutes or less. The rest of the time I was standing in the store aisle, trying not to look at my watch again.

I've already begun counting down my shifts. It's terrible. The sad thing is, it's not all that bad of a job, except for the brain-numbing tedium. *Sigh* Can't win for losing.

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