Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Linky Links

I'm slacking on blogging 'cause I'm up to my eyeballs in life stuff like preparing to defend my thesis Thursday. So busy, and all at once.

Read a couple interesting things on the web today, though, and thought I'd pass them on.

First off, a very thoughtful, if saddening, post by RR about race and online dating.

Second, a theory about the purpose of kissing that I hadn't heard before. It's almost like a germ theory of dating.

Tomorrow I do my face-to-face training at a coffee shop with some dude I've never met or talked to (my supervisor is out of town, so he's filling in for her). It feels almost like a blind date. Yeesh. At least I know what he'll be wearing - one of the logo Tshirts - and which part of the shop he'll be in. It should be easy to find him. *Fingers crossed*

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