Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Last Night in Florida

The boys met with the realtor this afternoon and traded cash for a key. We got all their stuff moved in, though not all unpacked, and I helped break the new place in by cooking dinner. I also made some extra food for the boys to eat over the next couple days. The extra cooking is my housewarming gift to them, and they are very appreciative of it.

My brother and I were back to good terms today, but I'm still looking forward to being on my own again. Watching the boys struggle to navigate such complex problems as shopping or communicating with civilians has its entertainment value, for sure, but the novelty's worn off. Though, I have to say, I wouldn't mind staying in Florida a bit longer now that I'd be able to stay in the house vs. the "cozy" hotel suite. Oh well, maybe I'll have to come back for a visit.

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