Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sushi and Vampires

I went out with Mr. Curls last night and had a very good time. We had dinner at a sushi place, killed some time at the book store where a friend of mine works (she sent me a "so, what's the scoop?" e-mail as soon as she got off work), then went to the theater to watch Daybreakers. I know a gruesome vampire flick might not be everyone's idea of a date movie, but when he suggested a movie, that's the one that I really wanted to see.

Anyhow, back to the date. I picked the movie and he picked the restaurant, which was nice because the last few dates I went on were ones where the guy said, "um, what do you want to do?" so going out with someone who wasn't so afraid of choosing something I wouldn't like that he didn't choose anything at all was good. The restaurant was good, and talking with Mr. Curls was enjoyable, and as he relaxed, a very playful side of him came out and I'm a sucker for a guy who doesn't mind being a little silly every now and again.

This morning I'm all smitten and the typical smileyness that comes after a date that went well. My first impressions of this guy are good. I'm cautious still, but so far he's a lot like the kind of guy I've thought would be right for me. He's a balance of confident and considerate, smart and playful, etc. etc. He's earnest like Comic Book Guy and Radio Guy, but more adventurous like Army Guy.

I quite like this random guy I met at a bar. Go figure.

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