Saturday, April 11, 2009

Amanda Abandonment and Other News

Between working on my thesis, teaching three classes, and other various adventures, updating this blog has gotten away from me.

To catch up:

Sad news on the Amanda front - her husband was relocated for his job and she's moving to another state in June. I'm not happy about her ditching me, but it's certainly not as if I have a lot of say in the matter. She's having adventures of her own right now because she is madly dashing to complete her thesis, her husband is already in the new place and, to save money, she's moved in with her parents. She is, to say the least, very stressed these days.

On the girly front - I've got a hair dryer now (courtesy of Amanda weeding through her things to get ready to move) and bought a set of velcro curlers. I do my hair these days. Amanda is very proud. I also wear eyeshadow almost every day. Despite not being a fan of makeup, I find I like eyeshadow. I think it's because of the same reason I like my jewelry - it's all about adding a bit of color, and color is fun.

And, lastly, on the romantic front - I'm keeping a secret from Amanda on this one, because she'd be horrified if she knew. Frustrated with the situation with The Guy (i.e. sometimes getting signals he's interested, sometimes getting signals he's not, and not knowing for sure which way it really went), I went the direct route. I asked him outright if he'd be interested in a date. He said, "Thanks, but no thanks." So, now I know and I'm glad I did it 'cause now I don't have that horrible uncertainty. Granted, rejection is never fun, but the closure was worth it.

With The Guy ruled out, I gave in to impulse and joined a dating site. I tried a free one about a year ago, with no useful results (a couple of e-mails with a funny, but ultimately reclusive, guy and a lunch with The Vegetarian, who ended up not being interested in me). This go 'round, I opted for a pay site with the thought in mind that it's slightly less public since there's the $ involved, and slightly more serious, for the same reason. I have a couple of sets of friends who had success with electronic romance, but so far, it's not going so swimmingly for me. But, I'll save details for their own post.

Thus, the highlights of my hiatus. All in all, the spinster plan is looking more and more appealing.

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