Friday, April 24, 2009

Girly Field Test

Tonight's the night of the date. Yesterday I was incredibly anxious about it. The last date I went on was in July of last year and I already knew the guy. I'm out of practice and seeing Army Guy in person for the first time. So, yesterday, I was actually dreading the date. I kept thinking about how I'll go and he won't like me and it'll all be a waste, etc. etc.

I called Amanda, because if anything is a distraction from my own woes, Amanda is. We talked for just over an hour and, among other things, she reassured me. It is one of the most wonderful things in the world to have a cheerleader who'll tell you how incredible you are and how you're a great catch and all that jazz. The pep talk did me wonders. The pacing probably helped, too. Gotta get out that nervous energy, right?

Riding on the pep talk, I've been pretty calm all day. Until my last phone conversation with Amanda.

Amanda: Are you excited about tonight? Nervous?
Me: Definitely nervous, especially now that you're reminding me about it.

That was at about 4:30. 5:00 was time to hop in the shower and begin the getting ready process. I'm taking a break now while my curlers are in to update the blog and try and distract myself from watching the clock. The nervousness is back in full force and my stomach's doing the mambo. It's much too early for that nonsense, but it refuses to settle down.

I keep trying to remind myself that this whole scary business is necessary and that going outside of your comfort zone is a good thing. I've hit a groove in my life and it's been a while since I've been so nervous about something. It's a good thing, I keep telling myself. There's no way of knowing if Army Guy and I will hit it off unless I go on the date, right? No way of knowing if he's the future Mr. Girl unless I actually meet him.

Blah, blah, blah. How can it only be 5:45? Ugh.

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