Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Envelope

Mom and dad are off to visit my brother for twelve days and they, mom in particular, wanted to see me before they headed to the airport. I stopped by on my way to campus and, along with just wanting to say bye, they also had something for me. Or, rather, something for me to give to Mr. Curls.

Mom handed me a bag of cookies, for me, and an envelope addressed to Mr. Curls.

"What's this?"

"Is your name on it?" Mom asked.


"Then you don't need to know, do you?" She winked.

Oh dear. Knowing my mom, it's a card that says something like, "It was nice to meet you." It's just a little weird, you know? I hope it doesn't freak Mr. Curls out. There's something stuffed inside the envelope along with the card, too, and my curiosity is killing me. A cookie, perhaps? I dunno. But, mom and Mr. Curls are exchanging correspondence now, it seems. Not sure what to make of that.


rachaelgking said...

You didn't peek??

You are better than I...

Jean said...

Lol. No peeking, but I did tell him about the envelope and then refuse to open it for him. I told him he has to wait until Thurs. night to find out what's inside - so, I don't know if I'm all that good on account of torturing him.