Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Sleep Deprivation

I've been tired a lot lately. It's all Mr. Curls' fault. Some nights I see him and we stay up late. Some nights I don't see him, so we talk on the phone until late. Since he gets up at four in the morning, he bears the brunt of the late nights, which makes me feel guilty. Then, I feel tired. Tired and guilty.

He thinks it's funny. One of his coworkers was threatening to call me while impersonating their boss and demand that I stop keeping Mr. Curls up late all the time.

Now I'm trying to grade papers to return to students, but I'm having a hard time focusing and all I can think of is how wonderful a nap would be. I'm calling Mr. Curls tonight when I get home from teaching, but I swear, it's going to be a short conversation. I admit I've said that before, like every time we talk on the phone, but tonight I mean it. Really. I swear.

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