Thursday, March 11, 2010

Tempting Rejection

Since my teaching gig where I work is
a. part-time
b. not permanent
c. due to politics, less secure than I'd like

I've decided to contact the appropriate person at the local community college about the possibility of picking up a class or two there so I can have a backup and/or extra moolah. I've been procrastinating contacting this person because I'd essentially be doing a cold call while asking for a job. Ugh. I hate that.

But, better to contact her, get shut down, and KNOW, right? So, off goes the e-mail with the introduction of who I am and all that jazz. Off goes the CV. Then comes... what? A job or a rejection? I don't know which'd be worse, a quick reply or a slow one.

I do know that even one more class for fall semester would help with that whole repaying student loans thing. Damn student loans. After all these years of schooling and I've finally finished my MA just so I can do work that pays me less than I'd be making if I worked full time at McDonalds. Whoo-hoo! Education is so worth it!

Mom keeps telling me that I'll find a real job soon. She tells me I'll find not only a real job, but a really great real job. She can feel it in her bones, she says. Yet, every time I look at job listings, all I see are openings for nurses, sales people, or cleaners. Damn economy.

How terrible is it that I'm at a point where I think being a receptionist somewhere would be a really sweet gig?

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