Friday, July 31, 2009

Lost Boys

My brother's future roommate arrived today and the two of them teamed up to look for a place to live. Talk about the blind leading the blind. I mean, seriously. These guys are not quite ready for the real world, even if they are lieutenants now. Scary thought, these two being in charge. Thank goodness they're here for pilot training and don't actually have any real authority yet.

They may have found a place, by sheer luck, I swear. But still, it's a good sized house for the two of them, and I think it'll work. Hallelujah!

Tonight, the boys are cooking dinner. I'm hiding in the hotel suite's bedroom because I'm too scared to watch.

Just think, in a few dayswhen I head home, these two lads will be entirely on their own. Oh my. All I can think of is this recent XKCD comic. It sums things up beautifully.


rachaelgking said...

Oh man... good luck to them! At least they found a place ;-)

jamy said...

Military life is so much simpler, so I think I'd trust them more to order other fellows around than pay their rent on time. ;)

Jean said...

Lilu - I just hope they get a key before I catch my flight home on Wednesday. Then I'll be happy.

Jamy - So true. So very, very true.