Saturday, July 25, 2009

First Impressions of Radio Guy

I sat at the coffee shop with my laptop, one eye glancing out the glass door for a sign of Radio Guy. I recognized him as soon as I saw him walk through the far door. He walked up to the front counter, and I started turning my head toward him to say hello, but he re-traced his steps to behind a bookshelf. I think he was gathering his courage, maybe. A few moments later he came back around and walked over.

We had talked on the phone the night before and pretty much picked up the conversation where we'd left it. The inquisitiveness I mentioned in an earlier post was still going full force, and we talked about me more than him, which was still a little strange to me, but I fell into the rhythm of it. (Amanda thinks it's hilarious that so many ladies love being asked about themselves a ton, and I'm kind of disconcerted by the barrage of questions.)

I called it a night two hours later and called my friend Deb (aka my safety-backup for the date) to let her know I'd met him and he wasn't a raving psychotic. When I hung up, I had a new text message from, you guessed it, Radio Guy, about how he was stopped at a red light and wanted to let me know he'd really enjoyed meeting me.

So, first impressions of Radio Guy:
Definitely not Mr. Studly, but not bad looking
I make him nervous
I don't think he talks to girls much
A little clingy already
Not super confident, he kind of fakes it, but I can tell he's faking
He's smart
He's very curious about a lot of different things
He might be able to listen to me talk about myself more than I can
I pick up a bit of a passive-aggressive vibe, maybe

Overall, I drove home thinking I could like him. Then, there was a bit more clingy-ness (I left my phone in my car most of yesterday and when I checked it, there were 4 texts from him. I mean, seriously?) which is making me more skeptical. I lean toward benefit of the doubt, but the whole dynamic makes me feel like I'm the guy here, and he's the girl. It's weird.

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