Tuesday, July 7, 2009

MTV is Like a Train Wreck; I Don't Want to Look, But I Can't Not

In front of the cardio machines at the gym are TVs. I don't know who decides what channels to tune them to, but lately the one that isn't ESPN or SportsCenter, etc. has been tuned to MTV. (Note: I don't have cable). This means that, much to my amusement, I've been watching some of the most idiotic shows believable while I'm working out on the elliptical or cross-ramp machine. Case in point: Room Raiders 2.0

Holy shish-kababs, Batman, that show is bogglingly moronic. As a result, it is also unintentionally hilarious. Talk about a showcase of superficiality, boy. Ironic, too, as the whole point is that, since the "raider" in question can't see what the raidees look like, he/she has to pick one to date based on things other than appearance. Well, except, that one of the first things people snoop around in tends to be the closet and/or anything else that will give clues as to appearance.

The commentaries are morbidly fascinating. A guy finds sex toys in a girl's room and freaks out ("It was a gag gift from a friend!" the girl protests, "I've never used it!"). Girls find a condom in a guy's room and freak out. Guy finds hair dye, goes on a mini-rant about how he hates girls who dye their hair that color. Guy examines shoes, says he doesn't want to date a bigfoot (instead, he prefers gals with shoe size no bigger than 6). Girl finds porn on guy's computer, is horrified. And, on it goes. Living proof that people are generally deluded regarding the nature of other people's private lives, especially people who are fresh out of high school. Also, an illustration that people who are 18-22ish, for all that they try to claim a certain level of maturity, are still largely naive/innocent. It's kind of cute, aside from the blatantly superficial assessments of a stranger's character based on a few things they own.

It does make me wonder, though, how a version of that show featuring, say, 30-somethings would go. Woman finds condoms in man's room, is glad he practices safe sex. Man finds porn on woman's computer, gets excited...


rachaelgking said...

I'm just impressed you can listen to 19 year olds whine and squeal for a half hour at a time...

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

The RW/RR challenges are chock full of 30 somethings. Not a whole lot of difference between them and 19 year old. It's my guilty pleasure.

Jean said...

Ha, LiLu. The TV is actually on mute, so I'm reading captions. It's much less high-pitched that way :)

Lol, Kristin.