Monday, February 22, 2010

Mom and Dad and Mr. Curls (Almost)

Saturday night my parents invited me to go to a play with them. They also asked me if Mr. Curls would like to join us. Since it's his weekend to have his sons, I told them he had another commitment. I knew they were curious for more detail than that, but I'd like them to meet him just on his own, sans baggage, and that's pretty much what I told them last night.

After the play, I called Mr. Curls and when I mentioned that he'd been invited, he paused.
"So, if this had been next weekend, when I didn't have the boys, would you have been okay with me coming along?"

"Of course. I'd have checked with you first, to make sure you were okay with it, but sure. If you would have wanted to come, I would have wanted you to."



Up until then, I hadn't ever mentioned the idea of him meeting my folks. Meeting the parents is intimidating. I didn't want to push it. I figured it'd happen in its own time, so there was no rush. Also, I wanted to meet some of his circle before I threw more of mine at him.

Given his reaction, I wonder if he might've been thinking I just didn't want him to meet my folks. The truth is, I'd love for him to know my family. My parents are good people who've been through a rough patch or two of their own, so I'm confident that they'll see in him the good things I see and not just the complications. Besides, given everyone's respective personalities, I'm also confident that they'll really get along with him. Mom and Dad have definitely reached the point of being really curious about him. Mom's casual invitation for him to join us was my mom's way of saying, "We'd like to meet this guy for ourselves."

I'll talk it over with him and maybe next weekend I'll introduce them to each other. My mom will be thrilled. My dad will also be pleased, but in more of a getting the chance to do the threat assessment on his daughter's new guy kind of way. It's just too bad my brother's all the way out in Florida, 'cause I know he and Mr. Curls would hit it off right away.

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