Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Wedding

I met Mr. Curls at the courthouse, then we waited for everyone else to arrive. He and I got there first, the groom got there late, and everyone else was somewhere in between. I got to meet a handful of people that have known him for forever, including his "sister" who was very much the way I had pictured her - a lovely lady who's also very much a lady in charge. I also got to meet her mom, who's known Mr. Curls since he was born and is, as a result, rather protective of him.

After we were introduced, she smiled at me. "I'm so glad he found a nice woman." She shook her head, regretfully, "I don't know what he was thinking when he married the last one." So I got her official stamp of approval.

It was an adventure to be "the new girlfriend" at the wedding. Lots of "I've heard a lot about you" and looks that, while friendly, were also doing the math on whether or not I was okay. Everyone was pleasant to me, though with the wedding, they were also pretty focused on the event itself rather than me. I didn't get to know everyone as much as I would have liked to, but I did get a pretty solid impression. Mr. Curls' circle are all right people who keep an eye out for him and seem to think I'm okay. Cheers for that.

He and I took separate cars 'cause it was logistically impossible for me to climb into his Jeep while wearing a skirt. So, on the way out of the reception, as I was getting into my car, I saw one of his old friends walking to her car. She looked over, saw she could nab him while alone for a minute, and B-lined over to get the scoop.

In other news, I wondered if it'd feel weird to be at the wedding with the currently-in-the-middle-of-a-divorce Mr. Curls. I have to say, for the most part, I didn't think of it at all. No weirdness. Mostly, it was just nice to see two people get hitched and meet some of the people who are important to my guy.


mylittlebecky said...

glad to hear it wasn't awkward. and you got the stamp of approval. way to go, lady!

Jean said...

Thanks :)