Saturday, February 6, 2010

Worst Case Scenario

I spent most of the day with Mr. Curls today. The more I spend time with him, the more I want to spend more time with him.

Friday night, when I went out (sans Mr. Curls) and met up with one of my favorite couples, I told them about him and asked them, "How long after you met each other did you think 'this is the one'?"

After they answered, the guy countered with, "So, does this mean that you're thinking the guy you're seeing could be?"

"Maybe," I said. "Maybe I'm thinking it just a little."

Tonight, we ended up sitting on my couch and, among other things, we talked a little about the rough stuff he's going through. I didn't push it, because I've gone through my own rough stuff and I know it can be painful to talk about right away. I told him a short version of the story about my ex and then I told him that everybody's got a history and I wasn't going to push him about his.

"I want to," he said. "I want you to know everything about me." But, whatever it is, he couldn't quite find the words to tell me tonight.

"How long have you been so sad?" I asked him.

"A long time."

Based on what I know about him and what I can read in the things he says and does, I'm don't think the mystery baggage will turn out to be more than I can handle. The thing is, though, I don't know. In the face of an unknown like this, an unknown that has obviously left its scars on him, I can't help but think of worst case scenarios. What's behind the curtain? Is it bad enough to make me walk away?

Whatever it is, I'm really hoping it isn't one of those worst cases. Please, please let it be something I can handle. So far, this guy seems like he could be right for me. He seems like he could be so many of these things that I've dreamed I'd find. He just feels right. It's weird. Weirder yet is how I'm not freaking out about it. Everything I know tells me this could work. It's just that chunk that I don't know that might break the deal.

Now I have to wait and see.

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