Thursday, July 9, 2009

Full Body B

BB went through my "B" workout with me today - i.e. he watched me do it and told me, "You're not working hard enough, use more weight," on a few of the exercises.

We chatted a bit during my rests.
BB: I'm doing summer classes so I can hurry up and get out of here.
Me: And then what?
BB: Start my career, get married, have kids.
He looked kind of self conscious when he said it.

Later, when we were scheduling next week's appointment, which was Thurs. like it is almost every week, he pointed to Tuesday.
BB: I'm not scheduling anything for Tuesday, see? It's my birthday.
Me: Oh yeah? How many will you be?
BB: Twenty-two.

Damn. I knew he was probably younger than I thought, since the odds were that he was an undergrad, but I didn't figure he was that young. I did the math in my head on my way out. Not only is he about the same age as my little brother, but BB is actually a couple months younger. Yeesh. He doesn't seem it.


mylittlebecky said...

ooooo, you shouldn't write it off because of that... younger men, it's all the rage! you could be a cougar! eeeeeeeee!

Jean said...

Yeah, no write-off, but it makes me feel a little pervy. As far as the cougar thing goes, Amanda would be in complete agreement with you :)

Dionne said...

What's the age difference? My friend who is 31 dated at 22 year old guy and that didn't work out, but then another friend who was 27 did, and they've been together 2 years.

Jean said...

It's not a huge age gap - I just turned 25 at the end of May.

I think my squeamishness mostly comes from being reminded of my ex-fiance, who was about a year younger than me. It's just a bit of baggage.