Thursday, June 25, 2009

Can't Win For Losing

After Army Guy who dropped off the face of the planet, I meet Comic Book Guy who is nice and interested, but who I feel no attraction for. It's like the two guys are photo negatives of each other. If only it'd work to put 'em both in a blender and mix them together.

Sadly, it doesn't work that way and now that I have a persistent suitor, I need to somehow convey that he should look for someone else. But, of course, I got another e-mail (?!) about making plans for this weekend and about how he's so enjoyed getting to know me etc, etc. So much for the hope that a few days of silence meant he was getting the not-working vibe.

The only thing worse than getting rejected by a guy: having to reject a nice one. Damnit.


jamy said...

I'm with you. I HATE having to reject someone, especially if he's a good guy. But, pull off that bandaid--it's for his own good. :(

rachaelgking said...

If you're honest about it, it's not like he can be mad... but I'm with you. I hate rejecting almost more than being rejected!