Monday, May 25, 2009

The Army Guy Verdict

I've been thinking about Army Guy. I've been thinking of actions vs. words. I've been thinking about the difference in how guys operate vs. girls. Etc, etc. I've been thinking about what it is I'm looking for.

Conclusion: I don't know if he'll call or if he won't, but either way, I'm not feeling it.

I like him. I really like him, and I don't want to call it off. But, the bottom line is that he's not treating me the way I want to be treated. Nothing extreme, of course, but it's clear that while he likes me just fine when I'm right in front of him, when I'm not, he tends to forget about me. Then, when we do have plans, he shows up late. It shows, plain and simple, lack of respect. He says he'll do something (call me, pick me up at 7:00) and then he doesn't. Actions vs. words, my friends. Actions vs. words.

Now, there is the possibility that there's some crazy logic in his head for this dumbass behavior and that it doesn't really mean what I think it does, but the odds of that are incredibly slim. So, so long Army Guy. *Sigh*

Back to the drawing board.


jamy said...

My gut agrees with you. I would just say that whatever the problem is, it's about him, not you and that you deserve to be treated well.

Jean said...

Thanks, Jamy