Thursday, May 7, 2009

A Social Life/Dating the Amanda Way

I don't like dating. I like the part after dating when you get to the warm fuzzy relationship part where it's no longer about the rules and about wondering whether or not he likes you 'cause you're past that part. I don't like dating Army Guy 'cause I actually like this guy. I really want him to be interested enough in me to call. It sucks.

The upshot of it, however, is the side effect. In order to be more interesting, and to distract myself from thinking about Army Guy, I've been keeping myself busy and making plans with friends. I've gone to a concert, on a walking tour of downtown, shopping, to the gym, and tomorrow I'm doing coffee with a friend and an appointment with Body Builder guy at the gym. I've also been working on some craft projects, trying to make a present for my friend's college graduation next week and my out of town trip to see her. So, I've been staying busy.

Yet, here I am, thinking about how Army Guy said he'd call me toward the end of the week to make plans for the weekend. He likes to do that - instead of actually making plans right away, he says he'll call me in a few days - it's a power play and it's going to have to change. Anyhow, going by the traditional three day "rule," he should've called today. No call. Still, so far he's shown no sign of being a flake, and he said he'd call, so I expect he will. I just don't like waiting.

Traditional dating dynamics irk me. The idea is that the gal is the prize and the guy has to earn her - it's like winning the lotto vs. making the millions by working for it, you've got to earn it to appreciate it. It's all about male pursuing female. In the past I've deviated from this dynamic and it went poorly. This time, I'm trying the Amanda way. So far, it's working better. There are things about it I don't like, but I do like not having to worry about what I should or shouldn't do - call, or don't call? It's simpler this way. That much I like about it.

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